Investigator-Initiated Research
Crown is committed to advancing patient skin care and to serving the needs of the dermatology community. As part of our commitment, Crown supports ethical independent clinical research conducted by qualified third-party investigators. Such research is valuable in expanding the ability of Crown-sponsored research by helping to ensure we better understand the benefit/risk profile of our products and therapies, as well as to explore new opportunities to address unmet medical needs.
Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) must set out to address meaningful scientific and/or clinical objectives supported by valid study designs in which the privacy rights, safety and welfare of patients is of paramount importance. IIR should have scientific and medical merit and be developed and sponsored by an independent investigator or academic sponsor. IIR may be a clinical or non-clinical study conducted without the participation of Crown, for which the IIR sponsor requests Crown to provide either funding, product or both.
We will proudly consider your submission, which should be focused on advancing medical and patient care.